More "Mad Box" designs released by Slightly Mad CEO - Team VVV

News More “Mad Box” designs released by Slightly Mad CEO


Kevin Dooley


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CEO and founder of Slightly Mad Studios Ian Bell has shared images on two additional concept designs for the Mad Box console.

The two concept designs are completely different from the original concept (and each other) but keep that ultra modern styling. The first looks like a modern-day Nintendo Gamecube, whilst the second looks inspired by automotive aerodynamics, see for yourself below.

Bell recently offered a prize of “10K and free games for life” if somebody can come up with a winning slogan for the recently revealed “Mad Box” console.

The “Mad Box” was first revealed by Bell via a tweet last week. Bell said it will be “the most powerful console ever built” and will support 4K, VR at 60 frames per second. Additionally, developers will gain access to a full engine free of charge.

Speaking with Variety, Bell also confirmed the console will ship in “around three years” and that it will “be a console as is the Xbox or PlayStation“. The Mad Box will support most major VR headsets and the console’s specs will be equivalent to “a very fast PC 2 years from now“.

What’s your favourite design of the three shared so far?

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