Comments on: Forza Motorsport officially announced for Xbox Series X and PC I came. I saw. I conquered. Fri, 24 Jul 2020 23:42:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ninja-Badger Fri, 24 Jul 2020 23:42:15 +0000 In reply to Alan Boiston.

Oh no doubt its still very early in terms of getting the puzzle pieces to mesh together. And if its true that it won’t be playable on XB1, puts it outside the [supposed] release window where games are implied to still be playable on XB1. So still a way to go.
Which probably put them between a rock and a hard place: having to be present for Microsoft’s event; but can’t get away with just having a title card.
And that’s probably why I’m feeling a little negative towards the trailer. Ideally it would have been revealed later down the line. But had to be thrown together as part of a different marketing push.

By: Alan Boiston Fri, 24 Jul 2020 21:03:39 +0000 In reply to Ninja-Badger.

Yes, I think early very much comes into the stage of process, so still adding and building components. They’ve probably been working on the game for 2-3 years, but to catch Gran Turismo, they need to build a Gran Turismo and that always takes many years. We’ve got whole new graphics and physics systems to develop, new technologies with R&D depts working overtime. I’ll discuss this all more in a separate article.

By: Ninja-Badger Fri, 24 Jul 2020 15:46:34 +0000 Sounds strange for a Forza Motorsport game to be in early development at this time. Since they’re usually released every two years (with 7 released in 2017). And we’re so used to seeing a new console launch with a car game to show off the new shininess.
As for the trailer, I’m not that impressed. “In-engine” which can have a whole variety of astrixes implied, only showing camera cuts of cars through one corner. And some studio/garage setting.
If someone wants to get a reaction from me with the move to ray-tracing, show me a night race. Let’s see some headlights, shadows, the atmosphere of driving through the dark.

That said I do like the artstyle/aesthetic of Forza, like the over the top thunderstorms in 7. I find games like Gran Turismo come off as too clean and flat in a sense. I don’t mind a little visual flourish, that while not 100% realistic, at least adds some form of life/atmosphere to it.
