Bandai NamcoSteering wheel compatible
Bandai NamcoUK Release Date

Recently Team VVV got a brief hands on the latest build of Ace Combat 7 – a game we’ve been hotly anticipating for quite some time during it’s publicly protracted development period. Given the positive impressions for all who have had the privilege to try it out, Ace Combat 7 is also likely to be […]
After suffering several delays, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown finally has a release date, as Bandai Namco recently confirmed the upcoming flight sim will be landing on PS4 and Xbox One on January 18, 2019, and PC on February 1st. For extra immersion, the PS4 version will also be compatible with the PlayStation VR headset. […]
Those of you that are anxiously waiting for the release of the PlayStation VR (PSVR) compatible flight combat sim Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown will sadly have to wait a little longer. The release date has been pushed back to 2018 following an announcement from the Ace Combat franchise director Kazutoki Kono . “The Project […]
The long running Ace Combat series is set to get a seventh installment, confirmed for the PlayStation 4 for the first time for release some time in 2017. If that wasn’t exciting enough for fans, its has also been confirmed that the title will be compatible with the PlayStation VR (PSVR) headset which could prove […]